[New Video & Audio Podcast] Unpacking AI Infrastructure For Retail Insurance In Kenya & Africa: Insights From The AI / ML Insurance Seminar In Nairobi.

Moses Mwemezi Kemibaro
2 min readMay 19, 2024


As the moderator of the recent joint Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) and Caava VantagePoint AI/ML Seminar held in Nairobi, I had the distinct pleasure of steering a compelling dialogue among some of the brightest minds in the insurance and technology sectors. The ‘Industry Leaders Panel: Infrastructure Foundations for AI/ML in Retail Insurance’ featured Alfred Mukudu from Amazon Web Services or AWS, Harrison Li from Huawei Cloud, and Martin Kariithi from ICEA Lion Group. Our discussion delved deep into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) within Kenya’s and Africa’s insurance industry.

Technological Foundations & Scalable Solutions.

We opened the discussion by addressing the technological underpinnings necessary for implementing AI and ML in insurance. The dialogue highlighted scalable and cost-effective infrastructures that are crucial for such advanced technologies, particularly in regions like Africa where resources can be scarce. Alfred Mukudu shared insights on AWS’s strategies for providing adaptable and low-cost solutions, crucial for markets with evolving technological landscapes.

Ethical Implementation & Security.

A significant portion of our conversation focused on ensuring that AI/ML implementations are secure and ethically grounded. Martin Kariithi detailed ICEA Lion’s approach to integrating ethical considerations into their technology deployment, emphasising the balance between innovation and responsibility. The discourse extended to strategies for managing security challenges, with Alfred sharing how AWS prioritises data privacy and security in their AI/ML implementations.

Open Innovation & Community Contributions.

Discussing the role of open-source frameworks, we explored how these tools democratise AI development and contribute to widespread innovation. This segment revealed the commitment of companies like Huawei and ICEA Lion to fostering community-oriented development through open-source contributions, which in turn, enrich the entire ecosystem.

Local Talent & Bridging Knowledge Gaps.

A theme recurrent throughout our panel was the development of local talent and the reduction of knowledge gaps. Both Huawei and AWS shared their initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills of local professionals and ensuring that the benefits of AI/ML advancements are widespread and inclusive.


Reflecting on the discussions, it’s clear that the path forward for AI in insurance is paved with challenges but also abundant opportunities for transformative change. By harnessing the collective expertise and innovative solutions discussed during the panel and the broader seminar, the insurance sector in Kenya and Africa can navigate these challenges and lead in the creation of value through technology.

Watch The Video Below:

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Moses Mwemezi Kemibaro

Founder & CEO @ Dotsavvy. Technology Entrepreneur, Blogger, Podcaster & Analyst @ MosesKemibaro.com. I am Pure Digital Passion. Father & Husband. God Leads Me!